2013年1月11日 星期五

前往滑雪勝地沿途的美麗風景! The views on the way to the ski resort!

三國志11  訊連


新的一年開始了! 新年快樂!! 大家在新年前夕玩得開心嗎?

一如往常的, 我們沒有喝到爛醉, 也沒有玩樂熬夜到淩晨 (從2006年開始, 我的人生沒有"狂歡到天亮"這些字眼了). 今年我們在滑雪度假區跟一對夫妻朋友過 (他們有一個小孩, 所以我們在倒數完, 再聊一下天就各自回房睡覺了). 度假區準備的新年晚餐很好吃, 我們也聊得很高興, 在愉快的氣氛下結束了我的2012年! 非常棒又有趣!

其實, 我們在29號就抵達了度假區, 而這個滑雪的計劃也早已在聖誕節前就訂好了. 不過, 當朋友問我們要不要加入他們去滑雪勝地渡假時, 我感到遲疑. 因為我從來沒滑過雪, 加上我看過因滑雪摔跤導緻腦死的新聞...我告訴外星人那則新聞, 他又對我翻白眼說著: "因滑雪導緻死亡是很罕見的事, 不要想太多了."  

嘖! 又講的那麼容易! 人對未知的事會害怕也是常理, 尤其是對要求速度的新運動. 如果不知道要如何跌倒 (跌倒也是有技巧的), 或是下坡速度太快, 我有可能就會跌得五體投地或斷條腿耶!  再說, 因滑雪而受傷的風險比打籃球或遊泳還要高很多, 而且, 我對滑雪認知不多, 我也沒想過自己會有滑雪的機會... 因為在台灣, 滑雪一點都不普遍啊~

所以, 我必須承認當初對於滑雪的提議並沒有雀躍欣喜. 我想, 外星人當時期待著我會很開心又興奮的說終於要去滑雪了之類的話, 不過, 很抱歉! 我讓他失望了. 儘管如此, 我還是決定去滑雪. 就算我擔心, 但我還是想試試看!

到最後, 事實證明, 做人不管如何都要嚐試新事物才會知道, 原來人生可以活得更精彩, 更豐富!

總之, 以下照片是在高速公路上隔著車窗所拍的風景. 度假區離我們家車程隻需兩個小時, 而且那天天氣很棒, 藍天白雲, 真適合出遊的天氣啊~

A new year has begun! Happy New Year!! I hope you had a wonderful and fun celebration with family or friends.

As for my New Year’s Eve celebration, I didn’t drink until I was shitface drunk or party until dawn (I haven’t been doing that ever since 2006). We spent it with our friends (A couple with a kid) in a ski resort. We had a nice sit-down dinner all together. The food was delicious, and I had a great time chatting with friends. We went to bed a bit after the countdown. It was fun and it was a good ending for my year of 2012!

We went to the ski resort few days before the New Year’s Eve; it was planned and decided before Christmas. The truth is, I wasn’t sure about skiing when our friends asked us to join them, because I had never done it, and I have read news about Natasha Richardson’s death (A ski accident)! Alien rolled his eyes when I told him about it. “It’s rare that people die from skiing. Don't overthink it.” He said.

Well, I can’t help it! It’s normal to be scared to try a new sport that is all about speed. I have more chances to fall on my face or break a leg during skiing than playing basketball or swimming. It’s likely to get hurt badly if you don’t know how to fall correctly or control your speed! The thing is, I know so little about skiing, and it is something I thought I would never do. After all, it is not in my culture.

I have to admit that I wasn’t VERY excited about going to ski. I think Alien was expecting more reaction from me, but my attitude wasn’t exactly spirit lifting. However, I wanted to try it, despite my worries. In fact, it turned out great in the end. It reminded me that no matter what, we should all need to discover new things in order to live a full and interesting life.

Anyway, we began our trip with blue sky, and it was two hours’ drive from where we live. The photos below were the view from the car on the highway.


兩個小時後, 我們抵達滑雪度假區. 登記入住, 把我們行李放進房裡後, 朋友提議去西班牙看看吧.

"有一個小鎮聽說很可愛和美麗, 也不會很遠, 有沒有興趣一起去?" 朋友問.

"好啊! 有何不可! 我們就走吧!"


We arrived at the ski resort, checked in, put our bags in the room, and then our friends suggested that we go to Spain.

“It is not too far and there is a small village that is supposed to be cute and pretty. Would you guys like to come along? ” Our friend asked.

“Ok, why not. Let’s go!”

Here are the views on the way to Spain.


我們開車跟著朋友的車前往西班牙. 突然, 朋友往路旁一停, 我們還在想怎麼了, 不過他一下車我們就明白是為了停下來拍照的 (我在車裡一直隔著車窗東拍西拍, 我想朋友在他車上用後照鏡看到我的舉動, 體諒到我可能需要停車拍照的心情, 很貼心的一位朋友!). 當時的氣溫很低, 因為愈往高處爬就愈冷, 而我們一停車, 我迫不及待地往車外跑, 也懶得從後座拿外套了... 總之, 我那時都快凍僵啦 (尤其是我的手指頭)! 你看照片裡的我在笑, 但我內心在哭啊... 哈哈哈哈!

On the way to Spain; our friend drove in front of us. He was quick enough to stop at a spot where we can get off the car and take photos (In their car, he noticed that I kept taking photos through the car window. He thought it would be a great idea for us to step outside for the photo...it was a great idea indeed! I needed it! ). As we got higher in the mountain, it got colder, but I was in the hurry to get out and was too lazy to get my coat from the back seat as well... Anyway, It was so freaking cold that my fingers felt dead after 30 seconds! You see me smiling in the photo, but I was crying on the inside... LOL!



Blackgas跨越國界需要經過一道很長的隧道 (不是每個交界點都有隧道, 要看你從法國那個地區到西班牙), 一出隧道就可以看出西班牙的山跟法國的山還是有點不一樣. 那是我第一次用車跨越兩國喔, 有點奇妙的感覺!

We went through a LONG tunnel to get to Spain from France (It was my first time to across the border by car. It was a strange feeling, and it's hard to describe it). From the photo, you can see that mountains have more trees and less snow in Spain. 


當我們到達小鎮後, 結果沒有想像中的可愛和美麗. 不過, 我們還是下車散散步, 看看這個沒來過的地方. 可能是天氣冷吧, 街上都沒有人, 有一度我覺得很像死城...

It turned out that the village isn't that cute and pretty, but we still walked around anyway. However, there was nobody on the streets... it was more like a dead town to me  (It's probably because of the cold, I guess.)!

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我們在小鎮繞了一下, 最後走進在小鎮附近的一間雜貨店, 開始買酒和食物 (是買來帶回家的. 我們住的度假區已經有包含三餐了, 所以不需要買食物)! 有許多法國人會開車到西班牙邊境買酒和香菸, 因為跟法國比, 西班牙的稅低很多. 像照片裡的酒瓶都比較大瓶, 而價錢比在法國買還劃算! 其實, 在法國也很難找到那麼大瓶的酒啦, 就算有也貴很多!

We ended up in a grocery store near the village buying alcohol and other stuff to bring back home (Three meals were included in our ski resort, so there was no need to buy food). A lot of French people would go to Spain to buy alcohols and cigarettes, because the tax is lower there. You can see the bottles are huge, but they are so much cheaper than what we pay in France! Oh well... that's the way it is!

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這篇標題本來是 "我的第一次滑雪經驗". 但才寫到這裡, 連滑雪都還沒寫到, 文章好像就很長了! 所以, 我還是留到下篇再寫吧. 請耐心期待喔~

Next, I will write about my first ski experience!

ski, skiing, village, views, 滑雪, 小鎮, 西班牙, 法國, Spain, France, New Year's Eve, 新年前夕, 風景, 滑雪勝地, ski resort

